
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Live, Laugh, Love

This weekend, I had the oppotunity to take Kevin's family's holiday pictures. As we were leaving to go to the decided location, the wind [once again!] thought it would be cool to throw some strong gusts at us. But it ended up dying at our picture spot, which was awesome! There were lots of laughing and lots of joking which ended in lots of great pictures! Thank you "S" Family!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Against the Wind

It was a calm and mild day in Santa Clarita for Heather & Brett's photo session...until about 20 minutes before our meeting time! And just to make it convenient for us, it died down right as we finished. Hahah. They put up with me having them re-enact the cute moments they were having with each other just so I could get a version without hair covering their faces. But you can always see and feel love in the air, no matter what the weather conditon...so we still managed to get some great shots. Heather & Brett, I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to see the many, many children in the next few years!!! Hehehe. Congratulations to a beautiful couple!

[Click on image for full resolution]

Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday Special

I am offering for a limited time a holiday special, perfect for mailers and gifts for family!

$100-$150 Session of your choice in the Greater San Diego area. Hurry up! Limited Spots Available!

$100 Sessions:
-Families of 4 or less
-Travel fee - less than 30 mile distance from Oceanside*
-CD of at least 15 edited images with print release for unlimited reproduction.

$150 Sessions:
-Families of 5 or more -Travel fee - less than 30 mile distance from Oceanside* -CD of at least 15 edited images with print release for unlimited reproduction
*If location is over 30 miles from Oceanside, there will be an extra $30 travel fee.
Military Family? Take an extra 10% off either package!

Here's a little cutie I took pictures of a little before Halloween.

Love is Beautiful

"Love is the great equalizer. Where young or old, rich or poor, love enriches us all. It gives life meaning. It is the one true gift."

This weekend, I had the pleasure of shooting two of my some of my favorite people ever... My sister-in-law Alaina, and her long-time boyfriend Kevin. We literally had 45 minutes until the sun was going to be completely gone, and there was another photographer under the pier where we had planned on taking the majority of the pictures. So, we improvised, and still got so many shots, we had a hard time narrowing our favorites to share with everyone else. Their chemistry made the shoot so easy and so real, there weren't any bad shots at all to be honest...What troopers they were too. Willing to splash and roll around in the water despite the strong sea breeze at sun down. The backdrop of the perfectly orange sunset and the subject of two beautiful people in love made for perfect pictures with incredibly minimal post editing. Hope everyone else enjoys these pictures as much as we do!
[As always, click for full resolution]

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Two days ago was the Marine Corps Birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday Marines! :) Tomorrow is our Marine Corps Ball, so keep looking for some pictures! Yesterday was Veteran's Day, a day we all should really take the time to thank all those who have served our country. A fellow wife posted this quote which I feel like sharing as well. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -John F. Kennedy It is only too often that we all sometimes forget what our great country men have achieved for us. It is our job to keep what they fought so hard and sacrificed so much for, so what they have done for the United States is not in vain. Here are some pictures I took of my husband not too long ago. My own hero that I am so thankful for.

[Click Image for Full Resolution]

We call the striped shirt "Polo, by Ralph Lauren" (Say with a smooth British Accent) Haha!
Isn't he handsome? :) I'm a lucky, lucky girl!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Playing Catch Up!

It's been such a busy month, and being the mother of two (hehe, j/k baby), it's hard to find time to work on what I need to do as quickly as I want to. But somehow, I manage to do it. Recently, I've taken a lot of pictures that I'm proud of, and keep finding that each new session, my technical skills are greatly improved from the last. I have a lot of sessions coming up these next two months and can't wait to see how my photography has advanced!

I have been working a lot with my amazing sister-in-law, Alaina, (the hair and makeup extraordinaire that I love to death!) on fashion shoots for both our portfoilios. We have recieved such an overwhelming amount of great feedback, we've decided to work together as a team and offer beauty sessions to you! Perfect for "Trash the Dress", Bridal, Senior, or Boudoir portraits! Her experience ranges from Guitar Center, Magazine Covers, all the way to high fashion runway such as Teen Vogue, Billabong, etc. How awesome is that?! Not only does she kill it with hair and makeup, her fashion direction is second to none! She can make anyone with no modeling experience whatsoever look like they've been modeling for years. If you're interested, please contact me and I would be happy to answer any questions you have!

Here are some recent samples of our work together [Click on each picture fo full resolution!]

And some teasers from the shoot this weekend!