Two days ago was the Marine Corps Birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday Marines! :) Tomorrow is our Marine Corps Ball, so keep looking for some pictures! Yesterday was Veteran's Day, a day we all should really take the time to thank all those who have served our country. A fellow wife posted this quote which I feel like sharing as well. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -John F. Kennedy It is only too often that we all sometimes forget what our great country men have achieved for us. It is our job to keep what they fought so hard and sacrificed so much for, so what they have done for the United States is not in vain. Here are some pictures I took of my husband not too long ago. My own hero that I am so thankful for.
[Click Image for Full Resolution]

We call the striped shirt "Polo, by Ralph Lauren" (Say with a smooth British Accent) Haha!
Isn't he handsome? :) I'm a lucky, lucky girl!
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