I hope everyone had an awesome New Year and Christmas. Ours was great! But when is quality time spent with your family not? My sister, her husband and 3 kids drove from Plano, TX and stayed out here to spend it with our family for two weeks. How I miss them!!! Then the day that they left, my husband's sister, her boyfriend, and brother came to stay with us for the New Year. Along with the joking and fun games we played, we had a long serious talk about our lives as Christians, and it ended in lots of good prayer and commitments to change our lives for the better. I cannot tell you how excited I am for 2010! As for now, I'm enjoying my time with my husband and daughter while we are still together for the beginning of the year, and I'm concentrating on my photography skills and getting closer and closer to that goal of having my own business. I have decided to take on the challenge of taking a picture every day. I will be sharing a few of them here and there, so be sure to check back. Lots of love everyone!
Here is a shot I took at the Oceanside Pier of my husband and daughter on Jan 2nd. Can you believe she is 10 months now?! Where does the time go!?!
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