I have been so busy trying to get things together for Savannah's first birthday. Between my husband coming and going due to pre deployment training, and my little one starting to walk, things can get a little hectic. And to think I'm so busy, when my MIL is doing most of the party planning! LOL. It's hard to plan a party when you're 3 hours from the location you're having it. But I have full confidence that "Grandy" will get it done, and get it done right! She's goes big everytime. Go big, or go home, right? Haha. It will be the coolest one year old's party you've ever seen. I can't wait to post pictures!!! But until then, you will have to wait and see what the theme is. :)
This last year sure has flown by...to think that this time last year, I had my baby girl inside my tummy still is nuts! I can easily say, this has been the best year of my life and I'm so thankful for every way God has blessed me.
Here is my big girl, putting on Daddy's cover and doing what she loves. Sitting in her bean bag and reading her books!
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Music, Sand, and LOTS of sun! - San Diego Photographer
It's through challenges that we learn the most from. Struggles, obstacles, whatever it may be, but we grow from them.
My Dad's new band, Reboot, needed some promotional pictures to help them book gigs. But this was my challenge...I had a very small window of time to get the shots they needed, in a place that I wasn't familiar with at all that had already been chosen, during a time with the highest and strongest sun. As a photographer, sometimes you just have to deal with the inconvenient circumstances of locations and nature thrown your way. The more I work, the more I realize that things can't always be perfect...and for me, that's a very hard concept to grab a hold of being the perfectionist that I am!
The shoot took place in Redondo, so after I was finished I got to visit with one of my very best friends, Cambria, who lives literally two blocks away from where we shot. It was such a beautiful day there. Warm, a slight sea breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. Perfect for beach activities, not so ideal for promo pics. Hehe. We ended up geting some great shots anyways.
Reboot, I'm glad you're happy with the pictures that I did get. After all, customer satisfaction is most important! I look forward to the next time where I can really unleash my full potential and have the creative freedom to do what I imagine it to be. :) Thanks guys!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Miss Emmalyn Rose - San Diego Newborn Photographer
This little girl was just tugging on my heart strings the whole time I was at this session...Her quick flashes of smiles, her soft, wrinkly skin, her tiny cry (Savannah sounds like an opera singer compared to hers), and her sweet, sweet little mouth... *sigh* My husband and I plan on trying to space out our little ones to around 3 years apart, but these last three session are seriously tempting me! But, we'll wait and let Savannah have her indiviual time. :) I just LOVE newborns!!!
Emmalyn was quite the model. She was smiling, and taking each pose so well. All she wanted was to be kept warm, and instantly, she'd konk out, mid-cry even! Definitely a natural. Hehe! And guess what...no accidents!
Emmalyn, you are blessed to be a part of such an amazing family. They love you so much! And you've definitely got your dad wrapped around that tiny little finger of yours! Congrats again "L" fam! Thank you for letting me take your pictures.
I can never just pick a "few favorites"...it's just too hard! Here are a "lot" of my favorites from Emmalyn's shoot...my first newbron session! And my comments are still not working...I apologize...I just need to get a new blog...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Welcome Emmalyn Rose!!! - San Diego Birth Photography
God is great! That is what comes to mind every time I witness a baby being born. Birth is by truly the most amazing miracle I have ever seen. Remember the beautiful maternity model I shot recently? Well, Natalie gave birth to that sweet baby girl on February 2, 2010 at 9:59 pm. Emmalyn shares the same middle name and birthday as her Auntie! How cool is that?
I received a text from Natalie the night before letting me know of some stubborn contractions that didn't seem to go away...she went to triage and they sent her home to try and rest since she wasn't as dilated as they would like her to be to get admitted. I coudln't sleep out of excitement because I just knew that it was time! I had all my camera equipment charged & packed just in case. I ended up waking up around 8 am the next morning and thinking "Wow, I guess I was wrong...she made it through the night!" Then *RING!* Fidel calls me literally within the first 5 minutes of me being awake letting me know they had been there since 3:30 am and she was admitted and definitely dilating.
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous I was going to be late. She was about to receive that beloved epidural and I still had to feed Savannah, pack her stuff, get her ready, drop her off with someone, and drive all the way to the Naval Hospital, 50minutes away from my house. I got there as quickly as I could, and the Doc's were talking about a likely C-Section, which I would unfortunately not be able to take pictures of for the new parents-to-be! God did His work, and kept sweet Emmalyn strong the whole way through as Natalie slowly progressed. After 12 hours, the Lucero's had their gorgeous addition...
Congratulations Natalie & Fidel!!! She is just SO sweet. Thank you for letting me be a part of your special, special day!!! Ladies & Gentlemen, here is the new (and improved! :P) Lucero Family!
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