
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Miss Emmalyn Rose - San Diego Newborn Photographer

This little girl was just tugging on my heart strings the whole time I was at this session...Her quick flashes of smiles, her soft, wrinkly skin, her tiny cry (Savannah sounds like an opera singer compared to hers), and her sweet, sweet little mouth... *sigh* My husband and I plan on trying to space out our little ones to around 3 years apart, but these last three session are seriously tempting me! But, we'll wait and let Savannah have her indiviual time. :) I just LOVE newborns!!!

Emmalyn was quite the model. She was smiling, and taking each pose so well. All she wanted was to be kept warm, and instantly, she'd konk out, mid-cry even! Definitely a natural. Hehe! And guess what...no accidents!

Emmalyn, you are blessed to be a part of such an amazing family. They love you so much! And you've definitely got your dad wrapped around that tiny little finger of yours! Congrats again "L" fam! Thank you for letting me take your pictures.

I can never just pick a "few favorites"...it's just too hard! Here are a "lot" of my favorites from Emmalyn's shoot...my first newbron session! And my comments are still not working...I apologize...I just need to get a new blog...