Whew, it's been a minute since I've updated my blog! A lot has happened since Easter, and I have a LOT of catching up to do. I'm currently taking a break since my husband's deployment is coming around the corner...so all will have to wait until then. Right now, my family time is my priority. I just got back from 3 days in Mammoth, and it was so nice to spend time in a completely different environment from San Diego. I was able to snowboard with my husband, and we spent a whopping 6 hours on the slopes with only an hour break... Little did I know that I would be sore head to toe the next day because my adrenaline was pumping. I think I worked every muscle in my body to the max. Haha! Once I get a chance to, I will post my last few sessions on here for you to see. I have a senior, boudoir, and maternity to share with you all!
But until then, I would like to share a link to a fellow photographer I know that has asked my help to spread the word of an awesome project she's doing! Kathleen is going around to different military bases around the country and taking portraits of military tattoos and what they mean to that service member. Once she gets enough, she will publish them in a book and part of the proceeds will go to USO. Please go to www.Kathleenamelia.com/blog for more details, and spread the word!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
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