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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's the little things... - San Diego Portrait & Wedding Photographer

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  ~Elisabeth Foley

My best friend from High School included this amazing necklace with my Christmas present. And I can honestly say it was one of my favorite gifts this holiday; of course, following my husband coming home from deployment! I just wanted to share it, because I LOVE this! I think it's the cutest thing and it's photography related, right? :) It was such a thoughtful gift... I love those little random gifts that you can tell someone put some thought into. Even though we live hours away, every time I get to see my friend, it's like old times. The time in between our visits or talks always seem non-existent. I love that we both have our own lives, but still make time for "us." I love you Stacy...and thank you!

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