
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Officially a home owner! | Murrieta Portrait Photographer

My husband and I are officially home owners! We moved into our new home in Murrieta on the 9th and it's been a lot of work, but a lot of fun getting everything personalized to our liking. It feels so good to be able to decorate, garden, and do whatever we want to our house to make it really feel like home. We've been making daily trips to Home Depot, Lowe's and the local antique malls and stores. We are antique junkies! I love rummaging through what most people would think looks like a pile of junk to find something that is beautiful, or something that I can make beautiful again. Things just aren't made like they were before. Most of the furniture people get nowadays won't even last 5 years it's so cheaply made. Particle board is now the norm...how sad is that? We have a few projects to finish, but once they are done, I will post pictures of our home. So exciting!

These last [almost] two weeks, I have had a lot of time to spend organizing and unpacking since I had no internet or cable until yesterday. I was going a little bit crazy (I'm not going to lie) but it was definitely a necessity for things to get done around here. I get distracted a little too easily with the computer. :) I had some time to try and organize my computer folders...I am still nowhere near finished or how it needs to be, but at least I started to attack the beast of a mess my computer is. I came across some photos I took of my husband a couple of years ago. I don't know why this one isn't printed! I love it. Isn't he handsome? I just started my photography and had decided to use my husband as a model for a fun shoot during some leave days. On the drive down to the harbor, it got super foggy which was really random and I couldn't have been any happier about it. It added so much mood to my nautical theme that I had planned for. This was a really fun shoot. We coudln't stop laughing at him being "model." But I'd definitely hire him! ;) Anyways, just because every post needs a photo, here it is! :) Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. I have some exciting sessions coming up soon, so check back often!

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