This homecoming was different than any other homecoming I've done. The marines were due to arrive at 5:30 am and they actually ended up arriving earlier than expected! I was sitting in my car waiting for my client to call me and let me know she was there when I saw the buses roll up!!! My heart dropped into my stomach because I knew she wasn't there yet... I hauled my you know what outside as quickly as I could and I sprinted down the parking lot chasing the buses. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out all my camera settings as quickly as I could to get pictures of the Marines stepping off that bus. I got the pictures. WHEW! And luckily, the marines had to go to the armory before they came back out, so she didn't miss him! Maria surprised her husband by flying all the way out from Alabama. He had a slight idea or suspicion that she might be there, but wasn't too sure. The look on his face when she called his name just melted my heart! He got to meet his baby boy for the first time and couldn't stop smiling. Me, on the other hand, fighting to hold back the tears! I was so happy for Maria. What a great Mother's Day gift to have her husband home. Isn't baby Thomas just the cutest thing?! Welcome home Cpl Thomas! Your wife did a great job holding down the fort! Enjoy your time together and thank you for your sacrifice & service!!!
To watch the slideshow video of all the photos, click HERE
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