
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A little more personal | Murrieta Portrait Photographer

I've been so lazy about blogging... this needs to change. I take pictures everyday of things Savannah and I do together, things that we do as a family, or just every day photos that never get shared. I think from now on, I will start posting a lot more of my personal photos on here. Not just my sessions with clients, but things in my daily life that I document. 

This morning, Savannah and I baked some blueberry muffins. We do this quite often, and she never gets bored of it! It's so fun to do things like this together. Especially with baby #2 on the way, moments like these with my daughter are so precious to me. It's memories like these from my childhood that I cherish with my mom.

 Greasing the muffin pans with butter (Making Paula Deen proud)

 Just one of the perks of baking :)

 All finished and ready to eat!

 The grapefruit looked so pretty.

 "Cheers Mama"

I think she approved of her pastry skills.

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