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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First time Mommy - La Jolla Maternity | San Diego Maternity Photography

I always enjoy maternity sessions and I always love shooting at La Jolla! The original location I had planned in my mind to shoot this session at was completely blocked off for a special event, but it ended working out perfectly. We found a cove that was super private and of course gorgeous. (c'mon, it's La Jolla!) Jennifer is just the cutest thing. So sweet and carrying so tiny. I literally had to have her push her tummy out on the pictures she was laying down on because her stomach completely disappeared! Haha! She's 32 weeks and her husband is deployed in Afghanistan, but trying to plan his R&R to be around when baby Mila is due. Praying that everything works out for them and Daddy is home to see her arrive! I've been there done that and know how nerve wrecking it is to try and plan births around military deployments. You just can't. Both the military and baby have their own minds and timelines. Haha. I loved every part of this session and I'm so flattered that Jen drove 3 hours to allow me to preserve memories of her pregnancy. Jen, I hope you love your photos! Here are my favorites from her session.

And just a fun one after we wrapped up our session since who knows if I'll ever do another maternity while being pregnant myself! Don't mind my frumpiness, I was NOT planning on being in front of the camera at all! Haha! 27 weeks and 32 weeks! :)

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