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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Huber Family: Reunited! | San Diego Camp Pendleton Oceanside Military Photographer

7 long months later, and the Huber family is finally re-united! It was a long "last day" for Chrystal. I spent the whole afternoon with her all the way until Tyler walked off that bus at 4 am. It's only fair that I did, because she spent the last WEEK with me before my husband came home from his last deployment. I did my best to keep her company, but there's no masking or "forgetting" how exciting and slow that day goes by. The time kept on getting delayed (Semper Gumby) so we filled up on coffee, coffee, Hershey's kisses, and split an 8 hour energy. Finally 2 am rolled around, and we headed to the parade deck where the buses were to pull up. Just driving to the area, I was already balling. I'm such a baby when it comes to homecomings. They are just so personal to me... I remember all so well the nerves, excitement and anticipation you always feel. It is the BEST, most rewarding feeling ever welcoming your husband home. Seeing Tyler meet his new baby boy for the first time was so awesome... Congratulations Huber Family@ I'm so happy for you all to be together again. Thank you for your service and sacrifices that you make for our country.

Here is a slideshow of the highlights along with some stills below. Enjoy! Grab a tissue for the link! :)

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