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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Girly Girl | San Diego Portrait Photographer

My little girl just turned two at the beginning of the month. I know everyone says it; that the time goes by so quickly when you have children. But seriously...in hindsight, it's a blink. I love Savnnah's quirkiness, voice, growing vocabulary, humor, personality, and just everything about her. (Yes, even those "terrible two fits; her face is still cute!) The last few months, Savannah's been so interested in my makeup. I always gave her my powder brush and let her rub it all over her face to appease the whining and crawling toddler up my legs. Lol. But today, I gave her some old blush and obnoxiously bright pink lipstick I had to play with also. Can you tell she loved every moment of it? She was giggling, puckering, and looking at herself in the mirror less than an inch away. It was so funny.  I remember playing with my mom's makeup in the 80's and I was just drawn to her hot pink lipstick and blushes! Now...what I want to know is where the heck did my hot pink lipstick come from? Must have been in a sample gift bag...but Savannah can have it. :)

 Oh the joys of being a girl!

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