
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blessings, Opportunities, and More Blessings! - San Diego Photographer

I have so much to be thankful for... I am thankful for my family, my friends, and being able to do what I love as a job! I am grateful for the challenges and learning experiences that are being thrown my way because in the end, you learn most from your struggles. You learn who your friends are, what's important in your life, and what kind of people some are... Learning something negative about someone's character, it's something to be thankful for...you know to stay away from them! And surrounding yourself with genuine people who have great hearts is what I'm all about.

Remember Tom Renaud's album shoot I did in January? Well, the CD is about to be launched, and he's looking to get a grammy nomination!!! How awesome is that?! It is well deserved for a great, great artist and person who has really worked hard to where he's headed. It's really inpirational! God has opened a lot of doors for me, and I'm getting closer to my goals I have set for myself. Thank you everyone for fueling my fire and helping me make that leap to the next level. Don't know where I'm going, but I do know I'm not stopping any time soon! :)

I have been lagging on sharing these pictures from Savannah's first birthday party, but here are some of them! I wish I had taken more pictures of the party details, but I was in such a rush. There was so much to do and so little time to do it, I didn't get to document it as thoroughly as I would have liked. But Savannah was such an angel and good girl the whole party. She didn't cry once, but rather, was a bubbly little baby girl who was just so giggly! The weather cooperated (somewhat) so we were able to still have the party outdoors as planned. It didn't rain, but it was pretty breezy. It eventually died down, and we were all able to enjoy spending time in the sun with all the important people in our lives to celebrating our daughter's first year of life. It was a great day.

All the decorations are available for rent by Kathleen, who hand made everything. That's right, everything! She does parties and events for great prices so keep her in mind. The wonderful cake was made by my good friend, Chrystal, who you should also keep in mind. You can contact me for either one's information. :)

LOL!!! Love Sarah's face in the background!!! Savannah was laughing and laughing and had no idea.


  1. how fantastic!!i think that you found your calling....how did you start out?

  2. keep doing what your doing!! your a natural at it!!!
