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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fixed Contact Page!

Well, my baby girl turned 1 yesterday! Honestly, I had a lot of mixed emotions about it, but I'm already over it! Lol. So happy that she's growing, and learning new things everyday, but I just want her to sloooow dowwwn! I can only imagine how quickly these next 18 17 years will fly judging from this last year... But, you gain some, you lose some, right? She may outgrow her babyness (not a word, I'm aware of that! Hehe!) but I'll gain so much more in the future from her. We both had a nice surprise last night that just topped off the day in the best way possible. My husband surprised us and came home two days earlier than expected. Needless to say, he could have given me a heart attack walking in like that! Thank God I didn't hear him walk into the house since I was giving Savannah her bath and the sounds were muted by her splashing. I would have locked our bedroom door and called 911 if he didn't give the warning "Baby?" in the hallway. Hahaha.  Savannah was so happy to see her Daddy that she was trying to crawl out of the bath tub to get to him. What a great birthday present. :)

On another note: I have recieved two messages asking if I ever received emails from my contact page through my website. I shrugged the first one off as a random technical problem, but when another brought it to my attention, I checked with the admin of my site, and got it resolved. Within the next 10 minutes, I had a new inquiry!!! Who knows how many I've missed these last  two months? So please, if you have tried contacting me through my website, please try again, and this time I assure you I will get it and respond back! :) Thank you for your patience and check back after this weekend for Savannah's birthday party pictures! (That is, if it doesn't rain) Have a great day everyone!

Here's a picture when Savannah was 7 months old. Warming up for her aerobics class. ;) Time flies...

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