
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can find any recent work, personal updates, and random thoughts of mine. Feel free to share my posts and to comment on them. (I love comments, it lets me know I'm not writing in vein) If you would like to see the rest of my portfolio, please visit my website. I try my best to keep this updated, but if it looks neglected, please go to my Facebook fan page through my website. Thanks & enjoy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fashion Forward - San Diego Fashion Photographer

I really, really love my job. Taking care of my daughter and home and taking pictures for people is seriously a dream come true. I am so fortunate to be able to do my dream job. I've always been an artsy person...graduating high school with the goal of becoming an art teacher. I was majoring in art classes, focusing on painting. I loved watercolor and credit that to my old 5/6 teacher, Mrs Kurimoto. People always told me growing up that I could do whatever I dreamed of doing...but I just felt like they had to say that. Mrs. K really made you feel you like could do anything. No matter how big your dream was, she made it feel as if it was in arms reach. My painting slowly moved towards my love for photography. I remember just going to the SLR section of any camera department and playing with them. I would sit there and play with the manual focus on one composition, but focusing on different areas of that frame. My husband would always say "One day baby, we'll get you one...let's go!!!" I finally made the investment about a year before my daughter was born, and my camera never left my side. Yes, I would carry my SLR IN MY PURSE, EVERYWHERE. It took me a while to find my eye and figure out all the settings other than auto, but once I did, I knew I had found my thing. Out of all medias I've used, digital film is by FAR my favorite.

Fashion photography has to be one of my favorites...Okay wait...back up. I know I always say that after every shoot. The only explanation I can come up for that is because I seriously LOVE pictures! But back to what my point was, I love doing fashion shoots because I feel like I can be completely creative. I don't have boundaries, and people don't expect me to have them for these types of shoots. I love everything involved in it. Thinking of an inspiration, styling the shoot, being Alaina's assistant (Passing bobby pins to her, ripping her hair foils and feeding her chips while she works! LOL) for hair and makeup, doing the actual shoot, and the post processing. Every single aspect I find so enjoyable, there's no way this could be work for me!

This weekend, Alaina and I teamed up again. (Alaina, just move to San Diego already, you're pretty much here once a month!) We completely transformed Amanda, (brother-in-laws girlfriend) from a typical teenager to a model in one day. And she did SO great! Amanda took direction so well...we'd tell her to pose one way, and she got it the first time. She was completely aware of her body and it made our job so much easier and allowed for more looks to be achieved. Must be the dancer in her! :) The day before, we all went to the TO mall and searched for clothes and accessories for Amanda. The next day, we started our morning at 8 am, drove to Hollywood where Alaina's salon is. We ran into the LA Marathon which was runing parallel to Melrose, which was where we needed to be! It took us an hour to find a way to drive two streets down! Alaina worked her magic and achieved the look we were going for as quickly and carefully as she could. We didn't finished the shoot until 8 pm. It was a long day, but we got some really amazing shots for Amanda. I am so excited to show you all! Doesn't Amanda look like she belongs in a magazine?! Thank you for being so patient and sweet with us, you look so...vogue! :)

Here are a few of my favorites, and I will have your personal gallery up tonight! Look out for an email with your password!


  1. LOVE it....such a gift you have!! :)

  2. Larissa, you and Alaina are so incredible to work with - you both have so many talents. The joy you take in photography shines through your work – from the fun energy on-scene to the beautiful and professional quality of your resulting pictures. I loved every moment of the shoot and was so fortunate to work with such an extraordinarily gifted team! I can't wait to do another shoot!(:

  3. They are all great! My favorite is the hate one... =)

  4. you have a hell of an eye!
